GOD'S Holy Arks
And The Temples
GOD'S Holy Arks Held Prisoner: There are two Holy Arks of the Covenant. Both were taken captive in the Spring of 1985 (Zechariah 5:4). Details are provided under Scam #5.
West Of The Hinnom: Neither Ark is anywhere near the preserved remains of the Solomonic Temple West of the Hinnom Valley (Jeremiah 19:2 KJV). The entrance is via the ancient water-sewer tunnel through which King Zedekiah escaped. Today, water flowing out that tunnel is being pumped into the city water supply. For details regarding the ancient Temples see:
More Details: We started to provide details on the web in three or more parts concerning GOD'S Holy Arks but have yet found time to place matters on the web. That is, people have been uninterested so that has been a low priority. Thus, only Scam #5 and Parts I and II are on the web. When people start clamoring for its release from its imprisonment (See Scam #5) maybe we'll get busy and provide more details. Note: Leviticus 26:11-16 et al explains that if people obeyed, GOD'S Holy Ark would have been brought forth before the Severe Tribulations described in Leviticus 26:14-33; Revelation 6:1 thru 16:21; etc. In fact, Leviticus 26:11-16 points out that if people were to obey GOD then those Tribulations would not happen. However, this unrighteous world appears to care less; so, those 35 years of Severe Tribulations are well underway and GOD'S Holy Arks are still being held captive by the occupation forces. For Parts I and II see:
In ancient times The Glory Of GOD, "Shiloh," appeared as a cloud over the mercy seat atop GOD'S Holy Ark. And, in these End Times, the return of The Glory Of GOD has been promised (Genesis 49:1,10; Exodus 25:22; 40:34-38; Leviticus 1:1; 26:11-12; II Samuel 7:6-7; Isaiah 4:5; 40:5; 29:6; 37:16; Psalm 102:16; etc.).
The Custodian: Note: The Human Shepherd of the Congregation (Psalm 110:5-7) is the custodian of GOD'S Holy Arks (Genesis 49:1,24). The first Holy Ark should remain in the rightful Shepherd's possession among the Firstfruits that gather in preparation for the Solemn Assembly (Zephaniah 3:18; Revelation 14:1-5). Isaiah describes how the Firstfruits will be identified (Isaiah 5:4). We expect the second Holy Ark will be placed in the Temple. For details regarding the Human Shepherd see:
Building The Temples: We expected a first Temple to be built near where modern Iraq, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia join. However, although the Temple criteria had been prepared about 1983-84 no one has been interested (See Book of Haggai). The second Temple we expect will be built in the bloody city near Jerusalem's old train station SSW of the phony traditional mount.
This second or alternate Temple may not be built for a number of years as described via Ezekiel's years (i.e. until the false Messiah arrives). And it will be built with tears of remorse by the multitudes of doubting Thomases that didn't make the cut for the Little Flock, the Remnant, that enters the Congregation first (i.e. as The LORD'S Day gets underway: Jeremiah 16:14-15; 23:7-8; Micah 7:15; Zephaniah 3:18).
A New Covenant: GOD, of course, makes a New Covenant with the Lost multitude who refused to obey the original Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34; Isaiah 59:21; 61:8). That is, the myriad multitudes have ignored the Word of GOD (Revelation 19:13) especially where it says don't add to or delete from His Word (Deuteronomy 4:2; Proverbs 30:5-6; Matthew 5:17-19; Revelation 22:18-19). Therefore, the Great Multitude will not enter the Kingdom of GOD until after The LORD'S Day has ended, i.e. after the first 1,000 years of the Great Tribulations promised under the original Covenant (Deuteronomy 28:15-68).
A Specific Question: In response to the specific question, "Do you believe that GOD'S Holy Ark is still in use by GOD now?"
Our Answer: Yes!
Salutations: We hope this text and URLs answer some of your questions.
Prepared By Father - Son Team George & Dana Brown P.O. Box 320932 Cocoa Beach, Florida USA 32932-0932 Email: